Wagner regales the group with information about the Karl Wilhelm organ and
associated technical topics.

Aldridge explores the touch of the Karl Wilhelm instrument as MaryAnn Balduf
prepares her demonstration selections.

Rickards Clark (JoVo) answers a question about her demonstration selection.

member Susan Knighton performs Pachelbel as Dave Wagner stands ready to turn
November 2005 meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the Organ Historical Society
was called to order at 11 a.m. at the Madonna University Student Center in
Livonia, Michigan, following 90 minutes of playing, plus some very intriguing
discussion led by host David Wagner, about the Karl Wilhelm organ at the
University. (Listen)
were Henry Aldridge, Carl Balduf, MaryAnn Balduf, Fred Fahrner, Joann
Rickards Clark, Diane Hiltner, Susan Knighton, Patrick Paddock, David Wagner
and James Wilkes.
President Carl Balduf asked for approval of the minutes as printed on the
Michigan Chapter Web site and provided as printed copies at the meeting. A motion
to approve was made and seconded and the motion carried.
A motion was then made and seconded that the Chapter
appoint Fr. Jasper Pennington as Chapter Chaplain. Discussion pointed out
that Fr. Pennington was an historian and an accomplished organist who studied
with Marilyn Mason at the University of Michigan. The motion carried by
acclamation. (Fr. Pennington subsequently accepted our invitation with
Dave Wagner said that the Madonna University library
would be pleased to be the archive for Michigan Chapter OHS material. The
sense of the group was that this is a good idea that should be pursued.
were made about future meeting venues, including the Fox and Redford
Theaters, the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Institute of Art and
the Detroit Masonic Temple. These were felt worth pursuing and several said
they would follow up.
With a hearty round of applause, the group expressed
its gratitude to Dr. Wagner for his hospitality and the wealth of knowledge
he imparted about the Wilhelm organ and scale temperament.
then introduced two new student members: Susan Knighton and Patrick Paddock,
both of whom are students of Dr. Wagner.
In the
absence of Treasurer Terry Jankowski, who was in rehearsal for a Messiah performance,
Balduf read the treasurer report (printed below).
The meeting was adjourned at
11:30 a.m. and a number of participants remained for brunch at the Student
Center cafeteria.
Carl Balduf
Treasurer Report
November 17, 2005
The 2006 renewals to Nov. 17 are:
Henry Aldridge
Carl Balduf
MaryAnn Balduf
Steven Ball
Brian Buehler
Joanne V. Rickards Clark
Rosemarie Dyer
David Enos
Donna Estry
Susan Goodson
Dorothy Holden
Terry Jankowski
David Michael Klemmer, Jr.
John Lovegren
Edmund Price
Brian Sweetman
Henry VanDyke
Sara Welch
David Wigton
James O. Wilkes
Paid at the November 19 meeting:
David Wagner
Susan Knighton (new member)
Patrick Paddock (new member)
The previous checking account balance was $1,42713.
Deposits were made of $50 on October 27 and $60 on November 17, from
dues received, bringing the current balance to $1,537.13.
Terry Jankowski