Organ Historical Society
Michigan Chapter
Minutes of October 8, 2005
OHSers ponder the console of the magnificent Petty-Madden organ at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. O.H.S. Mich. Chapter Fall 2005
Membership Survey 2. How likely would it be that you would attend a meeting on a Sunday afternoon (2 or 3 p.m.)? 5 Not likely. 4 Pretty Likely 3 Very Likely 5. How far would you travel to a meeting? As far as: Toledo: 7 yes Flint: 7 yes Jackson 6 yes Battle Creek: 4 yes Windsor: 7 yes Detroit: 10 yes Ann Arbor: 10 yes Joann Rickards Clark at the Petty-Madden console as MaryAnn Balduf stands ready to turn pages, Exploring
the elegant sounds of the Marygrove College Casavant organ. |
October 2005 meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the Organ Historical Society
was called to order at 10:30 a.m. at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in
Detroit, Michigan, following an hour of playing and listening to the bold and
beautiful Petty-Madden organ.
Treasurer ReportOctober 8, 2005
As of now, there are nine renewals and one new member: David Enos 2715 Greenstine Dr.#1309 Auburn Hills, MI 48236 248-765-7690 michorg@comcast.net
The renewals are: Henry Aldridge James Wilkes Dorothy Holden Joanne V. Rickards Clark Terry Jankowski Brian Buehler Henry VanDyke Rosemarie Dyer Edmund Price
The previous checking account balance was $1,327.13. A deposit of $100 was made on September 30 with the dues of those listed above, bringing the current balance to $1,427.13.
/s/ Terry Jankowski